Tuesday, December 9, 2008


When all the science magazines are praising it like it's the best thing ever, i thought i would give you another perspective with this clip i found. Something to think about.

Correction: It was Friedrich Nietzsche who invented the concept of the Übermensch, not Hitler, and Nietzsche was opposed to Darwinism.


  1. EXCUSE ME!!! Transhumanism is eugenics, it's not like we advocate killing less evolved races (which is impossible as evolution is not linear, humans are no more evolved than flatworms). And just so you know, it was Friedrich Nietzsche (who was opposed to Darwinism and only the fittest surviving) who invented the concept of the Ubermensch, not Hitler. I know that you didn't make the video clip, but you should be more discerning about what you post.

  2. Thank you for your correction and I'm sorry about the misinformation. You're right, I should be more discerning about what i post. I will look deeper into this issue and put up some harder undisputable facts if possible.
