(Vitamin B17 is also called Laetrile and Amygdalin)
interview with cancer-cured Shannon Simpson
interview with prof. G. Edward Griffin, author of World Without Cancer (Thousand Oaks, CA: American Media, 1974)
"...from the time he started his research to today (November 03, 2005), Griffin says he has seen literally thousands of people benefit from treatment with Laetrile.
World Without Cancer is divided into two parts, and in the second half of the book, Griffin goes on to reveal some disturbing information about an international drug cartel that came into being in the years before World War II that he says played a significant role in shaping the field of medicine in this country. This powerful cartel was created, Griffin argues, when I.G. Farben, a German-based chemical company and financial backer of Adolf Hitler, joined together with Standard Oil of New Jersey, founded by American business tycoon John D. Rockefeller, in an agreement not to compete. The partnership was largely concealed, since neither company wanted their countries to know about the relationship in the event of an inevitable second world war. In a lecture, Griffin once referred to the Farben-Rockefeller merger as "the largest and most powerful cartel the world has ever known, even though most people have never heard about it."
And so the extremely influential Rockefeller came to be interlocked with the drug industry, and under the guise of philanthropy, began donating large sums of money to America's faltering medical schools. Of course, the catch was that such schools were told the money had to be used for drug research, which would create a great profit for Rockefeller interests. In their time of need, medical schools readily complied. "When they accepted the money, they had to follow the dollar, and they designed their curricula so it favors pharmacy (and) pharmaceutical drugs," says Griffin.
This effectively gave birth to the conventional medical care system we know today, which is based almost entirely on prescription drugs and knows little to nothing about basic nutrition. "The medical schools of the United States now teach the students everything there is to know about their product, which is drugs," Griffin says, "And so [doctors] come out as highly trained drug salesmen, and they don't even know it!""
"[...] when AMYGDALIN, Vitamin A and enzymatic compounds are used together, 76% of the tumors demonstrate a complete regression, a percentage considerably less than the 89.3% previously observed in our laboratory. This difference is easily attributed to the much greater size of the tumors used in this study." - Translation from the original analysis performed by Br. Kanematsu Sugiura of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York USA, 1974
"One of the most common nitrilosides is amygdalin. This nitriloside occurs in the kernels of seeds of practically all fruits. The seeds of apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, and the like carry this factor; often in the extraordinary concentration of 2 to 3 per cent. Since the seeds of fruits are possibly edible, it may be proper to designate the non-toxic water soluble accessory food factor or nitriloside that they contain as vitamin B-17. The presence of nitriloside in the diet produces specific physiologic effects and leaves as metabolites specific chemical compounds of a physiologically active nature. The production by a non-toxic, water-soluble accessory food factor of specific physiological effects as well as identifiable metabolites suggests the vitamin nature of the compound."
"A doctor from the U.S. FDA once said that Laetrile contains "free" hydrogen cyanide and, thus, is toxic. I would like to correct that misconception:
Laetrile does contain the cyanide radical (CN). This same cyanide radical is contained in Vitamin B12, and in berries such as blackberries, blueberries and strawberries. You never hear of anyone getting cyanide poisoning from 12 or any of the above-mentioned berries, because they do not. The cyanide radical (CW) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) are two completely different compounds, just as pure sodium (Na+) - one of the most toxic substances known to mankind - and sodium chloride (NaCl), which is table salt, are two completely different compounds."
"In Mexico, vitamin B-17 in metabolic therapy is administered through intravenous injection for the initial 21 days (phase I) of treatment and then orally afterwards (Phase II). 6 to 9 grams per day are used for the first 21 days in the Oasis of Hope hospital. Dr. Harold Manner and Dr. Ernesto Contreras used this protocol. Injectable B-17 is also invariably administered along with the tissue penetrating agent dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO).
Please Note: Clinical tests have repeatedly shown that vitamin B-17 is only truly effective when used in conjunction with pancreatic enzymes to break down the pericellular coating of the malignant cell. Vitamins A and E in their emulsified form, along with high doses of vitamin C, vitamin B-15, antioxidants, and other nutrients are then used in combination with B-17 to attack the cancer cell. Clinics administering Metabolic Therapy to their patients always use these supplements.
"Keep in mind that Vitamin B17 helps prevent cancer, but if one already has cancer, a complete protocol is required including diet, enzymes, exercise, and supplementation, as prescribed by a physician. In addition, some conditions, such as some brain tumors and basal cell carcinomas may not be helped with laetrile protocol. It is best to work with an alternative physician to be sure you are using the best approach to treat your particular condition. Currently, our data shows that the following doctors and clinics are offering laetrile as part of their therapy:
* Advanced Medicine & Research Center - may be closed
* American Biologics in Mexico - temporarily closed
* American Metabolics in Mexico - temporarily closed
* Dr. Beals in Maryland - (301) 490-9911
* Dr. Brodie in Nevada www.drbrodie.com 775-829-1009
* Dr. Briggs in Montana - 701-838-6011
* Dr. Callebout in London England 011 44 207 2 55 2232
* Dr. Castillo in Mexico - 800-296-9881
* Center for Natural Medicine in Mexico - may be closed
* CHIPSA in Mexico - 800-573-9720
* Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine in the UK. http://www.doveclinic.com
* Dr. Edelson in Atlanta, Georgia 404 841 0088 http://www.ephca.com
* Harold Manner in Mexico - temporarily closed
* Hans Nieper Clinic (confirming info) 011-49-511-348-08-08
* IMS in Atlanta Georgia (770) 474-4029
* Joseph Brenna in Israel - 972-3-5467733
* Hospital Bajanor in Mexico - www.bajanor.com. 1-888-294-0342
* LifeExtension in Nevada http://www.aacancer.com 775-324-5700
* Oasis - Dr. Contreras in Mexico - 888-500-4673
* Dr. Rizov in Austin, TX - (512) 451-8149
* Dr. Schachter in NY (845) 368-4700 www.mbschachter.com
* Stella Maris in Mexico - 800-973-7909
* Dr. Swetlikoff, ND in Kelowna Canada - 250-868-2205"
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Vitamin B17 is great for health, even for those who have cancer. It is found in many foods. Vitamin B17 face pack brings shine to skin, soothes troubled skin, relieves sun burns and many other benefits.